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Welcome to my personal Web site, which is a hodgepodge of subsites and collected pages of varied interest.

You may also be interested in my business Web site or my Word FAQ site. I even have a blog!

About Me

I have lived in Fairhope, Alabama, since 1980. I am married and have a grown son and daughter and two granddaughters. I like to read (especially mysteries) and play online games and puzzles. I’m fairly active on Facebook.

Since 1993 I have been the program chairman for the Tuesday Book Review & Lecture Series at the Fairhope Public Library, which is sponsored by the Friends of the Fairhope Library, of which I was for some time newsletter editor and Membership chairman.

Since 1995 I have been the bulletin editor and Communications chairman for the Rotary Club of Fairhope; in 2009 I officially became Executive Secretary (having been performing the duties of that office—and paid for them—since 2002). I was the original creator of the club website and created most of the content; although the site has been revamped by professionals more than once, I still maintain the pages that have to be updated frequently.

Since 1999 I have been a Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) for Word, and since 2011 I have been a Volunteer Moderator in the Microsoft Support Community forums.

Since 2023 I have been treasurer of the Pensters Writing Group, having previously served four years as secretary.

For more about me, you might like to read a profile on me that was published in my local paper. Or an article about My First Car.